I think I'm losing my mind a bit... I phoned my Dad to wish him for his birthday - 3 days early... My husband gave me his keys to keep it safe and dry for him at the beach, and I swore that he didn't, until he took it out of my handbag to show me.... Okay, I think I'm losing my mind - a lot, not a bit. I can't remember preggy-brain being this severe last time around... eeeeek!
I have been quiet on my weight-loss blog purely for the reason that there's not much to tell, except to keep tabs on my pregnancy weight-gain. So excuse me for being quiet, I promise this blog is going to be much busier from June 2014 onwards!
At my gynae visit I weighed in on 83.7 with jeans on, and in the afternoon when I usually weigh in heavier. I was quite chuffed with that. Prior to conception I weighed in at 85.4, and after Reboot at 82.4. Then I gained a bit over the week and weekend and weighed in a bit heavier on Monday, but I got my eating in check and this morning weighed in again at 83.5, so I am happy with that. Just need to focus on keeping unnecessary weigh-gain to the minimum and keep my eating in check!
I'm going through a bit of a fruit stage - I love my summer fruit... just wish watermelons wasn't so expensive at this moment - No matter how I want some watermelon - I'm not going to pay R70 for a small one, that's just ridiculous. But enjoying some nectarines at this moment. Last night I only had fruit for dinner, and this week I'm having banana, cacao and coconut milk smoothies for breakfast.
Confession - I need to move more. My exercise has taken a backseat during this time that I'm so exhausted and that I'm struggling with nausea. I do feel guilty about it and I know I need to exercise... just need to find the motivation when my body says no... because I know I won't ever regret a workout.
Anyway, that's all fitness/weight news from my side!