Thursday, March 13, 2014

Update :-)

Okey dokes, it's been 4 months since I wrote anything on my weight-loss blog.  Perhaps because there was no weight-loss, just preggy weight-gain.  I'm not handling the weight-gain very well, at all, even though it's baby-weight.  But I don't think it's all baby-weight as it literally feels like my bum is growing by the minute.

I really felt bad this morning when I stepped on the scale and I'm 7kg+ up and still have 11 weeks of pregnancy to go, and now it's the time that I'm really going to gain fast as baby is putting on weight.  I do remind myself that it's normal, and not to be too hard on myself, but it's not always easy.

So this morning I decided to take a bump pic and put it next to a bump pic from my first pregnancy and I felt so much better.  The progress I made is not gone.  All hope is not lost.  My fighting spirit is back!

Forward we shall go!  My plan of action is to take every day as it comes, but try my best to make the healthiest choices possible and go for more walks.  Then once baby is born, we'll take it from there... still unsure if it's going to be a c-sec or VBAC - which will determine how fast I can start exercising.  Thinking I will stick to Paleo as far possible, but include full cream dairy, but we'll see.


  1. You are looking fantastic!! So don't beat yourself up about any weight gain, I think 7kg at this stage is excellent going! Well done. xx

  2. YOU ARE LOOKING wee....and to think you are pregnant!!!
