Thursday, June 26, 2014

On my way again!

So I had my weigh-in this morning...I'm happy with the result and I think it proofs that I carried some water weight at my previous weigh-in. At least I'm getting somewhere and I'm on my way to breaking the 80's!

Pre-Preggy weight: 85.3 kg.
End of pregnancy weight: approx 94 kg.
Last weigh-in: 88.3 kg.
Weight this morning: 85.8 kg.
Loss for this weigh-in: 2.5 kg.

I still haven't done any other exercise besides walking. My little one is giving me all my days with crying bouts because of reflux and cramping, so not a lot of free time at this stage, but I'll get there.

500 Grams to go to reach my pre-preggy weight at the beginning of September!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Operation "Break the 80's" starts today!

On the 27th of May I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. I'm so blessed and I am so chuffed that my dream of having a VBAC came true... Good thing because I worked very hard at it! My goal for my pregnancy was to limit my weight gain and thanks to my fear of having another c-section I managed to succeed and picked up about 9 kg in total. Last week I came within a kilogram from my pre-preggy weight, but thanks to constipation (tmi, sorry), bloatedness and almost a week of binge-eating (especially over the long weekend) when I weighed in this morning I am now 3 kg away from it... I can kick my bum!

So now my first goal is to get back to 85.3 kg ASAP... Am now 88.3 kg. Then my next goal is to break the 80's and get as far away from it as I can.  This next leg of my weightloss journey starts today and not a day later!

How? I am going to gradually go back to the Paleo way of eating. For convenience-sake with a newborn I say gradually... For the next few weeks I'll eat mainly Paleo, but will include: oats, full cream milk, full cream yogurt, potatoes, peas and a tiny bit of peanut butter.  

I am not sure about exercising yet as I have not had my check up yet, only on six weeks post partum. But I think I will continue to do some walks and maybe start playing around with my kettlebell. I am dying to start with Kettleworx, but think I should get the all clear from my gynae first. That and the fact that I spend most of my days in pajamas still... Life with a newborn and breastfeeding is hectic! No excuses though!

I am ready for it, bring it on!