Thursday, December 8, 2016

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Check it out!  Check my Ticker on the top right!  I've reached 10kg loss since end January for the year!

Whoop Whoop!

Slow, but steady wins the race!

Monday, December 5, 2016

6-Month Progress Pics

I have taken long overdue progress photos on Friday.  I usually try to take photos every 3 months, but I never got around to it.  So here's my progress this past 6 months.  I'm quite pleased!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

NON-event November

Another month gone. I'm still being good with updating my spreadsheet daily, I like doing it and it keeps me accountable - Thanks August, you taught me a lot!

November was a bit of a non-event of a month.  First being away for almost a week, then after my race I was woman-down with a cold/sinus thing and I wasn't able to exercise for two whole weeks.  I also suffer from diet-lethargy (haha is this a thing??) and my willpower wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be over the weekends.

When I weighed in last Friday my weight was about 0.4kg down from end of October - so nothing gained, but barely lost.  I will see what I weigh tomorrow - can only hope I've lost a bit more this week as I was able to start running again on Monday.

So November I only had 16 out of 30 perfect eating days, the other 14 was a mix up of okay-days and indulge-days.  Only 10 workouts @ 8.5 hours of exercise this month / a total of just over 50km of running.  Hey, I'm still lapping those on the couch!

At least I have a running achievement- completing my first 10km race in November, so I guess the month wasn't a total waste of time!

On to December and I have a plan of action ready for the Festive Season.  I will keep on exercising and I will move over to maintenance macros from the 16th. So I'm hoping that this year will finally be the year when I manage not to gain a ton of weight over the holidays.  Fingers crossed - I've come so far this year, finally weighing 70-something and I am now working on getting into the 60's, a healthy BMI and maintenance weight.

I know Santa won't be bringing me my ideal body, but I'll be my own Santa and I will keep on working hard and get it myself.  Ho Ho Ho!