Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Run, Debra, Run!

I'm trying something new.  Something that's so completely out of my comfort zone.  I have always admired runners, but I never thought I would even try to do it, because I hate that feeling when my chest begins to burn and I can't run another step, when I get so nauseous and I feel so darn weak.

I took the leap though on Monday and started with 4 minutes of brisk walking, and 1 minute of running, and alternating that for 30 minutes.  Gosh, I thought I was fit - man I can dance fast-pace for an hour without even batting an eye... but after just 50 seconds of running I thought that I was going to die.  I managed the 60 seconds every time though and the 4 minutes walking was just about enough recovering time.

I'm planning to follow this programme - I have just altered the first week to include the minute of running instead of walking slow/fast.

I found a nice app called Runtastic for my phone.  With GPRS it tracks my route, times me and calculate the distance I go.  On Monday I did 3.26 km in about 34  minutes.  An average of 10:23 minutes per kilometer - I think that's a terrible pace, but now I know I have something to work with and I can try and better myself every time.

I'm a bit scared to run on my own, because we live in a new development area, so there's a lot of bush and open area, so I plan to go each day at 16:30 when the traffic picks up as everyone returns home after work.  Also need to get exercise pants with pockets so I can take my pepper spray with me.

Looking forward to tonight to give this a second go!  Excited about this new challenge, I think it's just what I need to raise the bar a bit.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Darn 80's!

Darn 80's wants to keep me here.

Couldn' the last two weeks.

Then I fell off the wagon yesterday and had a dinner made up out of junk food and I baked the most delicious Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars and had my fair share of it.  Oh and attended two kiddies parties this weekend too and had treats there as well.

I can't believe that 3 months ago I still had Cheat Days, nevermind a cheat meal and I still managed to lose, now since I started eating Paleo if I cheat, I pick up instantaneous.  And a lot real quickly.  I enjoy the Paleo lifestyle, I enjoy the food, but I still crave some non-Paleo foods every now and again. I still want to eat chocolate some times, I still want to have a slice of pizza every few weeks, I can't be good 100% of the time now can I?  I know for 30 days I can, but a lifetime... I'm not so sure.

Urgh yes, but before I lose the plot of this blog post - the crux of this story is I have not yet broken the 80's, in fact I might have nudged myself a bit further from it. Luckily I wasn't thrown too far from the wagon, so I managed to climb back on, so working on it some more.

Hopefully I will be able to report some good news soon!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Favourite Reboot / Paleo Recipes

I decided to compile a list of all my favourite Reboot / Paleo Recipes - for future reference or if I need to advise a new "recruit" on this fabulous way of eating.

*** I have listed a lot of indulgent recipes, but please note they are also calorie-dense so use caution and only consume in moderation.  I do believe however a healthy treat is far better than a chocolate bar off the shelve :-)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Less Talk, More Do

I've been a bit quiet on my blog lately, but it does not mean I'm not working hard at my goals.  I've set myself a deadline to break the 80's middle August.  I broke the 100's, and I broke the 90's, and so so close to breaking the 80's I know I can do it, it just needs to be done.

So going to weigh in on the 15th and hope for the best!  Let me rather rephrase, because "hoping for the best" does not quite cut it - rather going to work off my ass to make sure I accomplish it!

It's cardio week again this week and I am giving it a good go.  I love doing cardio, instantly puts me in a better mood.  Also continuing with my kettlebell.

I did a bit of damage over the past couple of weekends with birthdays and cravings and lack of willpower, but in between have been eating like I did when I was doing Reboot.  It's far easier to stay on track during the week, but it's when socializing comes into play that it get's really tough.  During Reboot it was easy, because I avoided any social gatherings, but July/August is tough with lots of birthdays etc.  Have 3 kiddies parties in the next 2 weekends, plus a family-do.  Gotta stay strong.

So if I'm quiet - please excuse me, and know I am working at it, haven't lost my way... it's just a case of talking less about it and increasing my input.