Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Less Talk, More Do

I've been a bit quiet on my blog lately, but it does not mean I'm not working hard at my goals.  I've set myself a deadline to break the 80's middle August.  I broke the 100's, and I broke the 90's, and so so close to breaking the 80's I know I can do it, it just needs to be done.

So going to weigh in on the 15th and hope for the best!  Let me rather rephrase, because "hoping for the best" does not quite cut it - rather going to work off my ass to make sure I accomplish it!

It's cardio week again this week and I am giving it a good go.  I love doing cardio, instantly puts me in a better mood.  Also continuing with my kettlebell.

I did a bit of damage over the past couple of weekends with birthdays and cravings and lack of willpower, but in between have been eating like I did when I was doing Reboot.  It's far easier to stay on track during the week, but it's when socializing comes into play that it get's really tough.  During Reboot it was easy, because I avoided any social gatherings, but July/August is tough with lots of birthdays etc.  Have 3 kiddies parties in the next 2 weekends, plus a family-do.  Gotta stay strong.

So if I'm quiet - please excuse me, and know I am working at it, haven't lost my way... it's just a case of talking less about it and increasing my input.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading how you like doing cardio because so many people don't like doing cardio at all. I love it because it sorts my thoughts. I want to do a run tonight to sort my thoughts.
    I was wondering what happened to you - I miss your regular updates here.
    I totally believe in you - you broke so many kg barriers, you will be breaking the 80's, I am sure of it. You are strong willed.
