Monday, October 14, 2013

High Expectations & Good Intentions

Last week I went through my previous pregnancy's weight stats to see what I have to work with in this new pregnancy.

The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy I remained the same more or less.  Did go up a bit, then down, up and down, and at 20 weeks I was only up by 0.4 kg from my pre-pregnancy weight, where after I gained steadily until I gained a total of 10.6 kg for the whole pregnancy.  Then after Jamie's birth it took me exactly 3 months to reach my pre-pregnancy weight again.

I think I did well way back then, but this means that I have my work cut out for me in this pregnancy, because I want to set my limit at about 10 kg this time around as well.

My intentions are so good - I planned to go on with my workout programme, and eat Lacto Paleo foods only. But then last week the nausea and incredible exhaustion started.  I lived off toast for a couple of days, because that was all I could stomach... I did not exercise, even though I wanted to, I just could not find the strength.  I can't keep my eyes open after nine in the evening, and I feel so drained.

One of my motto's on this journey is "No more excuses", but last week I did use the nausea and tiredness as an excuse.  I can no longer do that, not if I want to reach my goal.  Since I can't stomach eggs which were my previous go-to breakfast, and sometimes even lunch, I made myself a banana smoothie this morning.  My snack will be yogurt, lunch tuna salad and a fruit for my afternoon snack and tonight I will cook chicken with veg.  I will exercise today, even if it's just a 30-minute walk.

I will make this a good week, no excuses - this is too important!


  1. Inspiring post!
    It's good that you looked up how your last pregnancy went. But please, don't be too hard on yourself!! We'll get back to pre-preggy weight as soon as we can, and then carry on with our journey from there.
    Your meal plan for today sounds perfect and delish, well done!
    Good luck with the nausea though.

    1. Will try my best not to be too hard on myself, thanks Jess! xx

  2. Debs, you should not feel bad if you can't stomach healthy foods or don't have the energy to exercise. One's body takes up a lot from one in the process of making a baby and sometimes it's just not possible to stay on the path that you planned because you're body just won't allow it. But I am happy that your body is allowing you some alternatives to healthy food like the smoothie and that you choose that instead of sugar filled cereals. So well done for that. Is there any way you can perhaps consider something like a preggy swimming or preggy bellies class?

    1. Hi Marleen, unfortunately I live far away from a gym or classes like that, so I'm very much dependent on exercising at home. Didn't have a problem to motivate myself to exercise pre-pregnancy, but I started this week off with a good dance session and I felt so much better yesterday, so just have to force myself to exercise even when I don't feel too well, because I know I'll feel better afterwards!

  3. Your plan sounds great and as long as you listen to your body you will be just fine! This is going to be a happy and healthy pregnancy :)

  4. Google Preggy Bellies and see if they have video's on YOUTUBE
