Thursday, June 4, 2015

3-Month Personal Challenge

It's been 7 months since I last wrote on this blog...7  roller coaster  months.  I have been quiet on this blog, not because I have not been continuing on my mission, life is just hectic being a full time working mom of two (three if you count my hubby) with no domestic help at home. So this blog was a little bit left behind.

Last time I wrote I said "She believed she could so she did" and I actually did - I did very well getting my weight down to about 83'ish.  But then December holidays came and I can't even remember how much I rapidly gained due to way too many indulgences.  Of course I went into the new year all guns blazing and I started Kayla Itsines programme with my dear friend Jess.  We did so well.  We finished the first 4 weeks pre training and then we went on to the intense programme and we got to week 5.  I did not lose a lot of weight, but I lost cm like it was nobody's business and my body got toned and I was so proud.  Then flucking life happened again and I got bronchitis as well as developed asthma.  I could barely breath for 2 months and I had to stop my workouts.  Eating went well throughout the week - I kept mostly to Paleo, but weekends were my downfall, and in between stressful work situations and sick kiddies and lack of sleep due to a teething baby I fell off the wagon for short periods of time here and there... mostly weekends, or for a day or so at a time.  My weight I must say kept steady at around 87'ish kg.

I feel as though I am wasting this year, so I decided as of 1 June I have to super charge my weightloss mission.  I learned about the IIFYM (If it fits your macros) lifestyle and I decided I can do this along with 90% clean eating and it would be easier to maintain and give me a little bit more freedom over weekends.  So I approached to work out my macros for me so that I could be sure it's done correctly.  Laura surprised me by allocating me 2200 calories to eat every single day according to my workout schedules and stats, but IIFYM is more about counting macros, so focusing on getting in 289g (gasp) protein, 114g carbs and 65g fat.  This is totally new to me and I am not near to reaching those macros yet.  My average calorie intake is about 1400 usually and protein rarely reached 100g per day.  But so far I am feeling good and strong, so giving this lifestyle a month to see if it suits me and more importantly if it helps me to shift the extra weight!

I also restarted Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide along with Jess and we already almost have Week 1 under the belt.  I'm sitting here with sore tummy muscles!

Hoping and wishing and praying to stay strong this three months.  I want to emerge from this winter and feel like a butterfly that just came out of her cocoon after being a fat caterpillar for far too long.

I have not set myself many goals - just to keep to it and keep going as hard as I can.  I don't know how regularly I'm going to weigh, if it is going to be weekly or monthly.  At this stage I'm just focusing on staying strong and be a warrior!  I will hopefully post soon with some awesome results :)


  1. You're going to emerge a beautiful butterfly in September Debs, I know it! You warrior you, thanks for being such an inspiration to me! ♥

    1. Couldn't do it without you my friend <3 Thank you for the inspiration I draw from YOU! xx
