Friday, June 12, 2015

A reminder to myself

After a week of working out 5 solid times, not deviating from my eating plan, not even last weekend, the scale shifted with only 300 grams.  That's pretty lousy, but that being said I know by now that if I work out hard I change my body and that change does not necessarily reflect on the scale, but I'm giving the fat a good nudge nonetheless and I'm sure when I'm going to measure I'm going to see the difference there.

I just need to remind myself of a couple of things and I need to put it in writing, so I can come back and read it again.

  1. This personal challenge is for 3 months, I'm only in Week 2 now, so plenty more weeks to go.
  2. Even if the scale shows little or no difference and I have worked out hard and have eaten well, it is a WIN. I'm working towards a healthy body. And it is guaranteed I'm getting leaner, and that's the most important.
  3. What I weigh is NOT important.  My good friend Jess once told me nobody is going to pick me up and place me on a scale to see what I weigh - it is NOT important.  Being healthy is what's important to me - looking healthy and getting rid of the fat.
  4. I am not fat, I have fat, and I'm working hard to change it.
  5. I must not focus on the now, but on the end of this specific challenge.  The change I can make in 3 whole months is going to be incredible!  So I must just focus on 31 August.
  6. I am a Winter Warrior!  Persistence is key.
  7. Summer bodies are made in the winter!
  8. I can do this, I will do this, I am busy doing this

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome reminder list Debs, I needed to read this today too!!

    You are a Winter Warrior! ♥
