Monday, August 31, 2015

Spring Fling!

I am so excited for Spring starting tomorrow! I look forward to mornings at the beach in glorious sunshine, picnics outside with the kids and wearing summer clothes again! But then again, I have a lot of work to do before I would feel comfortable in my strappy dresses and I would love to wear shorts again some time in the future, hopefully this summer!  I actually went out and bought myself a pair of denim shorts yesterday and they are horribly to small for me - I can barely get the button done and then my tummy bulges - it ain't a pretty picture!  Think as soon as I'm done posting this I need to go take a photo and use this as a progress pic - would love it to fit properly soon!

Yeah I know, I have ended each sentence with an exclamation mark!!! That's how pumped up I am for what has started today :)

Today I started a brand new 30 day challenge.  I'm doing a modified Reboot. The only modification at this stage is I am allowing myself half a cup of milk today and my whey protein shake - it really boosted me and I don't want to stop with it at the moment, but I will monitor and see over the next 10 or so days and if it's not working I will stop taking that too.  This is where my focus will be in September - eating clean again!

Talking about FOCUS - I have started Shaun T's Focus T25 programme. It's a series of wonderfully short workouts (25 minutes plus cool down). Even though it's short, it is power packed and I look forward to doing it. I have done the cardio part during my cardio days this last month so I am already a bit familiar with that part.  Fridays I'm supposed to do a double session and Saturdays is called Staturday when you measure your progress and weigh in. On Sundays you do stretches.  I am amped for this and will follow this for two months - the Alpha and Beta part.

Okay, ready... set.... here I go! Gonna super charge this next 30 days and see what can be done in 1 month! Fingers crossed.... but don't wish me luck, wish determination for me, and strength to keep strong for Reboot. It's been two years since I've done a Reboot.....eeeeeek!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Winter Challenge Complete!

Woweeee August was a tough month with a lot of sickness, sadness and bad luck, but through it all I completed my 12-week Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guide workouts. It got freaking TOUGH! And then again, so did I :) I feel quite an achievement completing it, wanted to give up so many times, but somehow kept going, I still don't know how!  I kept eating the IIFYM way, although found some weekends in August tough and fell off the wagon sometimes, but Monday to Friday I kept at it 100%.

Herewith my results - most importantly what I physically experience:

  • I feel so fit, I definitely improved my fitness level immensely.
  • I see a lot less cellulite on my thighs.
  • I can see and feel my tummy and bum sculpting and getting a lot slimmer. My bum lifting and my tummy getting flatter, pouch getting smaller.
  • My calves are also taking shape.
  • Boobs are getting smaller  - yay yay yay!
  • Double chin diminishing and face looks thinner to me.
  • Even though I get the bare minimum sleep and is a walking zombie I somehow supercharge my workouts and get through them and afterwards feel more energized and that gets me through the day... well until 8pm when I fall asleep involuntary on the couch or my husband's lap during cuddle time.
  • See muscle definition forming in my arms, very slightly. Unfortunately I still have a lot of fat around triceps, so it still looks yuck.
Then my measurements.  I have lost a total of 36 cm.  12 From my tummy, 6 around hips, 5 around thighs, 5 around bust etc.

Less importantly the scale. It did not move in August, and I see a small gain for the month after I lost a little bit during June and July.  Yes, we've talked about how the scale does not indicate fat loss or increase of lean muscle mass, and although I would love to get out of the trucking 80's (which bothers me a freaking lot), I made peace with it, because my 3 month progress pics are incredible!  I am proud of my Winter progress, I did not rest on my laurels and it paid off.  Without further a do:

Remember = 3 Months from now you will thank yourself?  So thank you, dearest Debs. With love from your body <3 We made great progress and are much healthier and that's a humongous win!

Does it end here?  No, it certainly does not! From Monday a brand new, super-charged 30 day challenge!  Will blog about it more next week!