Thursday, October 1, 2015

September Progress

The first month of Spring went by in a flash, it was a super busy month. I did not even get a chance to update about my journey during September.

I started the month out with the T25 Focus workouts and following Reboot, and although I enjoyed the workouts and the way of eating. This time it just did not work for me how it should have. The workouts were fast paced and I loved it, but after following the BBG guide, two weeks in it felt like I was losing muscle tone. Plus the scale was standing still.  Then on the 22nd I started a 3-day Soup detox. My third day was right on Braai Day, and it was tough, but I persisted.  I really enjoyed the detox because the soup recipes were divine - I made 4 of them and enjoyed them all. (link for future use ). I never went hungry, halleluja!

After the detox I went back to the IIFYM way. I recalculated my macros and went to the IIFYM Women FB community for help and validation. The ladies there are kind and compassionate and they helped me on my way again. This time I have much lower macros than what Laura worked out for me originally, but they are in line with someone else's who had her macro's calculated by a professional and who is the same length and weight as me. I feel much more comfortable eating 1600 odd calories vs 2200, that is for sure. I think if I persist with this macros I will get the scale to move again. I am now on my 7th day in, BUT I got sick again, so I'm not exercising right now - which is a bit of a downfall...again. I can't control when I get sick, but luckily I can control what goes into my mouth - so I have to be strong and keep that in check.

I did however restart Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I completed the first 5 days before getting sick. I also started working out, doing deadlifts and swings with hubby's 12 kg kettlebell. So can't wait to get going with that again.

At the end of August I bought myself new denim shorts and I bought them a tiny bit too small. I could barely close the button, my tummy bulged as I tried to squeeze into it and the zipper didn't go to the top. It was my goal during September to get into those shorts properly and thank goodness I succeeded and it fits better. I won't wear it quite yet, but I'm hoping by next month I will feel more confident to put it on. I just need a tan to go with it!

So today is the first day of October and it's going to be another busy month. My plans are to continue with my new macros and as soon as I feel better I will continue with the 30 Day Shred and kettlebell workouts. Strong is the new skinny!

A friend sent the following to me and I can't begin to explain how much this means to me, because it is so true, it's so me. I will keep fighting this fight. And I am winning - not cm by cm or kg by kg, but rather mm by mm and gram by gram. Slow and steady - Rome was not built in a day. I can't re-sculpt my whole being, my whole body in a few weeks. The butterfly is emerging!

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