Sunday, January 17, 2016

Hello 2016!

Oh wow, more than two months since I updated here - not because I did not honour myself and stuck to my journey, but rather because of hectic hecticness in my life on a personal level. So herewith my long overdue update of what I've been up to since November!

In November I continued along counting macros and exercising. I did a lot of Jilian Michaels and Kayla Itsines workouts.  Then December came and I bought myself a barbell and some weights and started lifting!  I really enjoy working with heavy weights and so far dead lifts are my favourite. I also started jogging again on alternate days, or rather walking/running/walking/running whilst tracking with a wonderful app called Runtastic so it's easy to constantly motivate myself to do better, to do a km quicker, to go further, to perform better.  I really found my fitness groove in December.  I carried on with this for most of December but lost a bit of mojo after Christmas until I started working again.

Eating-wise was not so great after I went on leave. I did try, but with kids and hubby and lots of things to do, it's so much quicker to grab a piece of toast on the run in the morning than prepare my usual oatmeal, smoothie or eggs. I also had far too many ciders, glasses of wine, sweet desserts and chocolates, but I don't regret one single calorie. There are 52 weeks in a year and if I take 3 weeks off to relax a bit, it certainly isn't the end of the world!

My scale's battery went dead around beginning December and I decided not to replace the battery for a while and stay off the scale and I must say it's liberating! I realise now that I've used the scale as my only/most important measure of success and it's just not right.  So I concentrate now more on how I feel, if I stuck to my macros daily, if I reached my fitness goals for the week, if I pushed myself hard enough and if I bettered myself in any way. I must say, it feels awesome, it means a lot to me to do it this way and it helps my journey to self-love and acceptance immensely.  Will I weigh again? Yes most definitely... When?  Gosh I'm not sure perhaps before Vday, perhaps before then or perhaps at the end of next month - I will still decide.

Now I've been back on the wagon for a week and I continued where I left off - with lifting and running and eating the IIFYM way. First week almost done and dusted and it's been a good one!  I even managed to stick to my macros over the weekend. Even went out for a big breakfast this morning, although it means I'm on poverty macros for the rest of the day.

My goals for the year? I usually say I want to lose x amount of kilograms, but this year my goals are to get more fit, lift heavier and get stronger, run faster and further and lose a bucket load of cm and tone up. I really want to fit in smaller clothing sizes. In all reality if I accomplish the above the figure on the scale WILL go down, so yay.

Here's to a fit and fab 2016!


  1. lovely update! one thing for sure when you put your mind to something you DO IT! my inspiration. looking forward to more updates. huge strongs

  2. Great to hear from you again......
    I wonder if you could share a little more about Macro's on our group for me.
    I bought a booked called Lean In 15 and he speaks about macro's - I will have to pay 198 Pounds to join and find out. I see he speaks about the types of food to eat the days you train and the types of foods you eat on none training days. Love to hear more.
