Friday, July 8, 2016

Do I dare say?

Do I dare say I am close to getting out of the 80's, so close that I can smell the 70's?  Because I really don't want to taunt Murphy, but at the same time I'm so damn proud of where I am right now.  ((Check my weightloss top right!!!)) I have 1.6 kg to go to break the 80's and I really want to give myself the gift of breaking the 80-kg barrier for my birthday in 3 weeks.  Then again, I have an uphill battle before then as it's my boy's birthday and party, I can't run as much at the moment due to school holidays... So I need to remain patient with myself and accept it might not happen exactly before my birthday (we all know at what slow rate I lose weight!), but hear my words it's going to happen soon afterwards, because I'm not done fighting for it.

There.... I have said it out loud now. I'm going to make this happen!  Plans forward - IIFYM as I've done this past year - I have great success with it, it's easy to follow and stick to; and I will exercise as much I can and move move move now that I'm almost over my cold.

Breaking the 80's is a big deal for me as it's been a big mental block.  I've also spent much too much time here as I was 3 kg away before I fell pregnant almost 3 years ago and it was quite a fight to lose the pregnancy weight and drop below that again.  I'm tired of this 80's seesaw now, upwards and onwards. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Debs! I'm sure you'll break that 80s soon. You've done so well and worked so consistently that I can see you will do it!
