Monday, March 11, 2013


With wobbly legs and lots of nerves I weighed in on Friday and I am so glad that I'm down 0.4 kg for last week's efforts. In the same breath I just want to add that quitting the Qlaira in the middle of the pack was such a bad move, because on Wednesday I unexpectedly started my second AF for this month which lasted until Saturday, so I think that messed me around a bit as well, so I'm hoping (and praying) that the side-effects from quitting will all disappear this week and I will have a bit of a better weigh-in on Saturday.  Not that this was a bad weigh-in, because I'm quite pleased that I'm losing... I just need to lose a tad faster now - I have a lot of catching up to do.

Something I really must work harder at is my weekend-eating.  I do try, but not hard enough and once again at the end of this past weekend I realised I could do so much better and that I allowed myself just too much treats.  I made Pina Colada's on Saturday, Dom Petro's on Sunday, had 4 slices Pizza for Friday's dinner and a Zinger burger for lunch Saturday, oh yeah Popcorn and Smarties at the movie, and I'm not even going to try to tally up the chocolate over the weekend.  I undo so much hard work by not keeping my weekend eating in check.  So I'm making a big bold note to myself - BEHAVE ON WEEKENDS!!!

This week's going to be such a challenge.  We bought our house late last year and it's a new development. The builder's did such a rush job to get us to move in over December that there's a lot of patch up work they need to do before the registration goes through... so this week my house is full of builders, and I feel like a guest in my own house.  Now I definitely won't be able to fit my lunch time work-out in for obvious reasons, and my mornings and evenings are way too hectic, so I must still figure out when to do my exercise.  Plus food preparations is a challenge too.  I just had to sneak into my kitchen when no one was in there, to quickly make myself some toast while I have a gap.  I have to plan better for tomorrow, otherwise my low carb plans isn't going to work out...

Good luck to all my fellow Fat-Busters for this week - let's kick some ass!  And...


  1. Yay for a loss, it all adds up in the end :) The weekends are by far the hardest, I am with you on that one!

    Hope the builders finish up soon so you can have your space back!

    1. So true, Rox - every loss, even the small ones are little victories :-) thanks for popping in!

  2. Hehe, your weekend food sounds so divine, yum!
    You know what. RE the weekend eating. Coz I also struggle with that. I'm good Monday - Friday and then don't think about what i'm eating again until Monday morning. And I think we undo a LOT of our effort that we put in, I really think we'd get much faster results if we could change our mindsets, to "cheat meals" and not "cheat days".

    For example, let's say there's 3 main meals every day. So that's 21 meals per week. And if we're indulging on weekends, that's 6 cheat meals. Let's half that, and have only 2 or 3 cheat meals per week!

    Another thing to keep us going is this: I've realised that I will need to "be on a diet forever." I just have that kind of body, that the moment I stop exercising regularly, I go all flabby, the moment I stop eating well, I pick up weight so fast. So i'll always, always have to watch what I'm eating and be active. Which is fine. BUT - once we've reached goal weight, and 're-trained' our bodies to understand that this goal weight is our happy weight - then we can go back to eating really well Mondays - Fridays and then relaxing the reins on weekends! Makes sense? But for now, while we want active weight loss... We have to be more strict.

    Let's all try and help remind each other this on weekends, OK! Hehe.
    Sorry for writing u an essay!

    1. I'm exactly like you, Jess! I will never ever be able to just relax and live with my body type - I know for the rest of my life I will have to watch what I eat and never over do it. You see, if I were on my own then even weekends wouldn't have been a biggie wrt eating healthy - my trouble starts and ends with Johnathan and his love for take-aways... that coupled with my exhaustion after a week of hard work makes me cave way to easily. Luckily I'm good over breakfasts, and Sunday nights are usually something small - I just need to keep Saturday and Sunday evening, and then Saturday lunch in check.... ai never a dull moment in Diet World, hey. But I'm with you, really going to try HARD! xx
