Sunday, March 24, 2013

Under Construction

So my weigh-in wasn't as successful as I'd thought it would be.  Down 0.2 kg after 2 weeks of solid effort.  Trying my hardest to find a glimmer of hope, some positivity... but it's nowhere to be found.  Seems like low carb didn't work for me. I found it so hard to struck a balance, but if I was low on carbs, I was high on my fat intake, or my sugar (sugars from fruit, but sugar nonetheless) intake was too high.  Don't know what hindered my efforts, but something is still not right.

Is it another plateau?  I can't seem to think it's that... so soon after my December binge.

Did I give myself over to emotional eating this weekend?  Yes I did...

Do I have a plan for this week?  Nope, nope and nope.  Just taking it day by day

So for now my plans are under construction... have to find a better way to a new me.  That  doctor's visit is definitely on the cards - planning on taking print outs of my MFP food and exercise diary along, as well as records of my weigh-ins and ask him WHAT THE HELL?

Hopefully when I post again I will have something more positive to say...


  1. Ah no Debs. I am sorry that things aren't going as they should be. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be feeling. Please please don't put off that doctor's visit. Us women have so many hormones to contend with and just one out of whack can screw up our weightloss efforts.

    Low carb eating isn't necessarily for everyone, we are all so different. Keep an open mind, stay positive and keep trying new things. Personally I think you are an ideal candidate for Mary-Ann Shearer's the Natural Way, and it is not a diet, or anything funny, just a different approach to what you eat.

    You have come so far, and I really hope that the rest of the way to goal weight is much easier. I am rooting for you!!

    1. Hi Rox... half and half decided to follow the meal plan the dietician worked out for me after Jamie's birth and see how it goes, but will definitely take a look at the Natural Way, and see if I can incorporate some of her advise. Thanks for your faith in me :-D

  2. I'm glad a doc visit is on the cards - Debs, don't put it off, make that appointment now!!
    Big hugs!
