Thursday, March 7, 2013


So I failed my no chocolate for the week challenge... I survived Monday, I survived Tuesday... and then no more.  I need a small dose of chocolate to help me through every day, just a bite of sweet indulgence.... a 17 gram Easter Egg, or 2 blocks of dark chocolate. Without it I'll go insane.  Depriving myself on Monday and Tuesday caused me to have a double helping on Wednesday and I'm sure I'm going to have a double helping today as well - and I'm restraining myself to have no more than that!  I have to as I am weighing in tomorrow morning.  Me and hubby is having an off day tomorrow to spend some quality time together and I won't be calorie counting as we'll probably indulge in a movie and one of our favorite restaurants.  Can't wait!


  1. A little bit of chocolate is good for the soul! As long as you aren't eating it by the slab I really don't see any harm?

    Enjoy your day off tomorrow, it sounds heavenly!!

    1. Thanks Roxy - it was a fun day :-) Haha it was because of eating slabs of chocolate that I'm in this position, so I will never do that again!

  2. I am way too much of a chocoholic to even try a week without it...
    Debs, two blocks of dark chocolate a day... I swear this cannot be putting a spanner in the works of your weightloss.
    So true RE depriving yourself just causes you to go back for double doses later on, whereas if you know you can have your allocated two blocks per day, savour it to the max - and that way u keeping your choccie craving at bay, and not overdoing it either.
    Good luck my friend!

    1. Haha my chocoholic friend! So true, but I must try not to eat choccie every day, but it does help to keep my cravings in tact :) xx
