Monday, July 15, 2013

Last 3 Days of Reboot

Day 28 today! So excited that I'm almost finished with my second Reboot.  It really does make me feel so much better, and my body feels so much stronger.

I decided to put a pause on my 30 Day Shred challenge until I've finished Reboot, because I think it's affecting my results... I think I need a more diverse training programme and incorporate more cardio to get the weight-loss going again.  Don't get me wrong - I'm definitely going to finish the challenge, it's just going to take me a bit longer.

I don't really want to say this out loud, for in case I jinx it, but it almost looks like the scale has started to move again.  I'm not asking for much... I know I'm not going to have a 4 kg loss this time around... All I want and need is to lose 500 gram off the weight I was when I finished my first Reboot.  That will help me achieve my second short-term goal of 20 kg.  If I'm asking for a lot, I will be asking to lose 900 gram, because then I will not only reach my 20 kg goal, I will place my BMI under 30, meaning I will not be in the obese class any longer.  Going to work hard at achieving this, this last 3 days of Reboot!  Mentally, it will mean a lot to me.

Let it be a good week!!!!


  1. You can do it!! Well done on almost completing your second reboot, it takes so much determination and motivation!

  2. Oooo, congrats on the scale which moved again! That's awesome.
    Well done for almost completing stage 2. You rock!

  3. Yay, I have a feeling you're going to reach the 20kg goal PLUS the BMI goal! Can't wait to hear about it. Good luck with last 3 days!

  4. Well done! Had I had your strength we would have finished together. Just feeling better and stronger I think is a wonderful achievement!!!!

  5. amper verby!!

    Seker y gaan daai goals reach xxx
