Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2 Down - 28 to Go!

Yay, so I manged to complete my first two workouts.  Since it's the second time I do this (or rather 3rd attempt because I failed my very first time) I thought things are going to be different, but no...I still love/hate Jillian Michaels... I still hate the jumping rope part, I still only manage lady push-ups, but I still feel like a tigress after I completed the workout!  So that's gooooood!

I'm quite sore today, but felt even worse when I started my workout today, it started to pain in places that I did not feel this morning, but with some help from my Myprodols, I pushed through.

I took proper measurements yesterday, as well as my "before" photos.  Although I still have enough bum for two people, I compared it to my "after" 30DS photos of last year, and I'm glad to say that I did  see a noticeable difference from then until now, even though it doesn't feel that I made so much progress.  So that definitely increased my fighting spirit even more!

I forgot to mention a part of my April challenge in my last blog post.  April is also going to be a "No Aromat" month for me.  I realised that I ate way too much of the stuff, and it contains MSG which isn't good for you and may hinder my weight-loss efforts.  So I'm trying to stay away from it too, and try to rather flavour my food with herbs, garlic and chilli.

So I'm chuffed, I'm off to a good start!  Can't wait for my next 8 workouts to be over and done with so that I can measure and take piccies again!  Last time I only thought about taking photos on Day 15, so I'm going to love the photo comparison this time around.

I will do this!


  1. Hahaha, die Jillian Michaels clip maak my sommer bang, LOL!
    Awesome @ second day going well, fab!
    Glad that u took piccies!
    Keep going, great start!

  2. Brilliant start! JM is tough, but excellent. I have been far too scared to do the 30DS again so you are very brave, I am in awe!

    I also used to love love love aromat. I now use the Spur seasoning salt in small quantities instead, it doesn't contain as much bad stuff as the aromat and it is divine on just about anything.

    1. Thanks Rox, I will check out the Spur seasoning! I also discovered popcorn spices which also doesn't contain MSG
