Thursday, April 18, 2013

Taking strain in level 2  I thought I was going to die every single workout this week thus far... today I completed my 4th day of level 2.  I find it so tough, I struggle through it and dread every day before I do my workout.  I don't have enough arm strength to get through all the planks, so I take too many rests.  I can't do the plank twists so I modified it by pushing down on the couch instead of the floor, or I just leave it out and do crunches for the minute she does the plank twists.  But I feel like I'm cheating, or phoning it in like she says.  Granted I still burn 220 - 250 calories, so I must do something right.

The quitter in me whispers that I should just quit and that it's a waste of time anyway and that I'll never be thin and have muscle tone, no matter how hard I try.  But then my pride tells me to keep going and fake it until I make it.

On a positive note my doctor's appointment is made, and I'm ready with my food and exercise diaries and graph of my weigh-ins.  So Monday I'm going to march in there and demand that he helps me through this.  I just hope he won't be an idiot like the doctor in Pretoria who just handed me a script for diet pills and send me on my merry way.  I want to be sure that there's nothing medically wrong that prevents me from losing weight, because I feel like there must be something wrong, or that I am doing something wrong.

Fingers crossed for Monday!


  1. Oh dear Debs, sorry u're taking strain this week!!
    But please please don't give up, as hard as the 30DS is, u're getting such great cm loss, keep it up!
    Glad u've got a doc appt.
    Just keep doing what u doing my friend!
    Mwah mwah

    1. Thanks so much, Jess! I promise you I won't give up... I just won't! Mwah mwah xx

  2. You are doing great and I love the self talk you have with yourself when it gets hard with your exercises. I too do this. I have self talk with myself. If anyone could hear my thoughts in gym, they would think this woman is mad :)
    Do not give up - keep going. You are doing great!

  3. Thanks so much, Marleen... I learned that I have to motivate myself, give myself a pep talk ever so often :-) Thanks for popping in x
