Friday, February 15, 2013

I gave it my all

Okay the week is almost over and I'm weighing in tomorrow so wish me luck!

After a tough week, I gathered my strength and pushed through and I GAVE IT MY ALL.  I couldn't have had a better week... except if I gave up our Valentine's dinner, but that wasn't an option.  At least I had a super charged V-day workout and I hope it compensated a little for the one cheat meal.

This week I burned a whopping 2166 calories during my 5 workouts, yay!  I'm happy with that, and proud that I managed today's 410, because I really do feel a bit off  as I'm low on energy and a tad emotional.

I've got the FIGHTING SPIRIT in me, I'll die trying!


  1. It will be fine :) You were such a champ this week and that counts the most! I do think you will have a loss tomorrow though. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Rox, I surely hope so! As long as there isn't another gain I'll be fine :-)
