Thursday, February 21, 2013


Since I'm having a sleepover at my parents house to celebrate their 44th anniversary tonight - and yes I'm going to have champagne! - I decided that I'll do my weigh-in today.

I didn't know what to expect since with my stubborn body, even when I think I did extremely well, the results won't necessarily be positive on the scale.  So I plucked up the courage this morning and first did my weigh-in on the scale and then on the Wii Fit and I'm 0.8kg down!

Please excuse me while I celebrate a little...

... Yay, yay, yay!  Wooooooohooooo, and another yay!  Thank goodness!  What a relief - I'm so glad that the figure is going down again.  Forward we shall go!


  1. Yay!!! You work so flippen hard you deserve the reward of good losses :)

    Enjoy the champagne!

    1. Thanks Rox... hehe ended up drinking half a bottle of wine, but it was sooooo worth it!

  2. Yay Debs!!!!!

    Well done! You really motivated me to start changing myself as well.

    1. Thanks Chantal! Yay for challenging yourself - you go girl, you can do it :-)
