Sunday, February 10, 2013

Not so positive weigh-in

Oh dear, now I know why I dreaded Saturday's weigh-in so much  :-(
It was a terrible one and I'm so utterly disappointed.

Eating at a deficit from my TDEE (Total Daily Expenditure Energy) of about 600 calories a day, plus burning about 1800 calories from exercise last week didn't help me to lose weight.  According to mathematics and the speculation that 7200 calories equals a kilogram, I should have at least lost half a kilo.

But no, somehow I showed a GAIN of 0.7 kg.  I thought I did well, but then I didn't.  It's at times like this that I hate my body, where I just want to sit in a corner and sob my heart out.  So much effort and then I get a kick in the groin.

Why did I gain?

I really don't know.  It could be because my menstrual cycle is about to start.  It could be that I exercised hard and that my muscles retained water to repair.  Perhaps too much salt in my menu on Friday.  Perhaps I had too much fruit and that upped my carbs too much.  I really do not know.

So what am I going to do now?

Give up and make peace with my overweight body?  NO!
Take a week off to get over my AF?  NO!
Give in to my tired body and not exercise?  NO!
Emotional eating to make me feel better?  NO!


I'm going to put in some more effort.  Kick it up another notch!  My plan of action includes:

  • Adding USN supplements daily.  I bought their CLA 3-pack All Day Weight-Care Supplements.    So I'm going to take the CLA Burn Thermogenic Body Toner in the morning.  The CLA Green Tea Antioxidant & Body Toner with lunch, and CLA Pure 1000 Advanced Body Toner with dinner.
  • I'm going to exercise just as hard this week.  Just going to add another day of exercise, because I only did 4 sessions last week due to sore muscles.
  • I prepared my menu for the week including lots of veggies and clean eating.  I do plan a cheat evening for Valentines though, but that shouldn't set me back as I'll still try to eat under my TDEE for the day.

Hopefully I'll have a better weigh-in next Saturday!  I really need it, so going to work really hard for it!


  1. Ah no Debs. I can't tell you how much I wish it was as simple as input vs output, but it seems our bodies have other plans some weeks!

    1. Thanks Rox, hopefully our bodies will make up for it next time. Some things in life are just not fair.

  2. Could it be that you are eating too little and thereby freaking your body out and putting it into starvation mode?

    Hope the USN products help kick start things, have heard great things about their products!

    If you need another supportive group (one can never have too many supportive journey people/groups I think!) I can highly recommend Sleek Geeks ( Their Facebook page buzzes all day long. Super friendly people that are there to encourage anybody and everybody who is on their page. Most of the members are very pro Paleo however they don't bash anybody who doesn't want to eat that way. They just like to encourage everybody to get healthy. I have found their support hugely beneficial!

    1. Hey Kate. Thanks for the visit :-)
      Hmmm I think you may have a point. I exercised much harder, but didn't eat extra calories. Think I will add some extra calories in this week too and see if that helps.
      Thanks, will definitely look Sleek Geeks up. Hehe love the name! xx

  3. Hate it when the maths just doesn't make sense!
    Flip, feel so pissed off with this weightloss journey sometimes.
    Both you and Roxy deserved so much to show a good, good loss! Aaaaargh.
    So sorry about the disappointment.
    Damn pms!!!

    Awesome plan of action.
    I'm sure the USN supplements are going to help! Drink them diligently!
    Sterkte my maatjie.
    Mwah mwah

    1. Thanks Jess, definitely going to try and remember to take the USN on time, every time. I put it on the kitchen counter so that I don't forget, because I'm such a bad person when it comes to remembering my meds!
      Hoping for a great week for all of us!
      MWAH xx
