Friday, February 1, 2013

Non Scale Victories

It's weigh day again tomorrow and I must admit that I fear every single time I have to get on the scale, because I dread the scale not moving downwards.  Especially if I put in the hard work.  This year thus far, I only lost small amounts: the first week a loss of 400g, the second 300g... and then we'll see what tomorrow hold.

I'm writing today to remind myself of non-scale victories, and I need to do this on a regular basis.  I need to be loud and proud about it!

  • Last weekend my dad (yes my DAD!) commented on my weight-loss.  This is a biggy as my dad never says anything about my appearance.  I must be doing something right :-)
  • Less water retention this week, yay!  My thick-band wedding ring is sitting loose.  I'm actually scared to lose it
  • One of my pair of pants that was fitting snug over the holidays is feeling much more comfortable on me.


  1. That's brilliant that your dad made a positive comment, yay!!
    So true RE needing to remember the non-scale victories.
    It's the BEST when snug clothes start fitting better, love that feeling!

    1. Thanks Jess! Hmmm yeah, nothing better than clothes that feels good when you put it on, especially if they fit better :-)
