Monday, May 13, 2013

A brand new 30-day challenge!

So yesterday I started a brand new challenge.  I didn't want to write about it yet, I just wanted to get a feel for the first day and see how it goes.

It's a Sleek Geek challenge - 30 days of Reboot.  Their description is to CTRL ALT DELETE your life!  And the challenge involves the following:

  • No sugar of any kind, not even sweetener
  • No alcohol
  • No legumes
  • No grains / starches
  • No dairy
  • No white potatoes.
That's a whole lot of no's!  I'm not focusing on that though - I'm focusing on all the yummy foods that I can eat like meat - roasted chicken, grilled steak, fish, even bacon if you'd like, veggies galore, yummy eggs in any way, nuts, biltong, coconut and coconut milk, fruit (although I limit myself to 2 portions), and cooking with coconut oil which gives an unique flavour to food and has a lot of health benefits.

It does  not come without it's challenges though, because you will be amazed when reading food labels at how much food products contains sugar and grains, so this challenge teaches you to eat clean.

The things I think I will miss the most is:  my beloved All Gold Tomato Sauce, Chocolate of course, Yoghurt and Cheese.  I thought I would miss my coffee which I usually have with aspartame-free sweetener and milk, but yesterday morning I made my coffee with coconut milk and although the first cup tasted really bitter, I managed to drink 80% of my cup and it gave me the caffeine fix I wanted.  Last night I had my second cup and I didn't miss the sweetness and this morning my cup of java was pure bliss.  I thought I would miss potatoes and pasta, but I think I will be all right without and sweet potato is such a yummy and healthier replacement.  So it's true, you can re-train your taste buds!  

My first day went well.  I started the day out with scrambled eggs and tomato, lunch was a bacon and avo salad.  After the salad I was still a bit hungry, so I had almonds and biltong sticks for an afternoon snack and dinner was delicious sweet potato cottage pie with stir fried veg.  When I felt a bit nibblish last night I had a frozen banana which is a much healthier dessert and I still needed my fruit portion so it worked out great.  Today started out with scrambled eggs, tomato and avo, lunch will be cottage pie left overs, and planning a lovely roast chicken, pumpkin and stir-fried cabbage dinner.  So you see, this challenge isn't about boring food, it's not about starving yourself, it's just making better food choices, and they are delicious food choices, so I bet it would yield great results for me as well.

I have so much inspiration to complete this challenge.  Fabulous people who have completed it and inspired me to join the Sleek Geek Reboot Challenge who all succeeded with flying colours and absolutely stunning results.  A couple friends who are even going for a second round of Reboot - Jess & Rox, you rock!  This is a great challenge, one that actually leads into a whole new lifestyle.

The best part of the challenge is that my husband is also joining me on the Reboot.  He is not sold on the idea yet, didn't like his bitter coffee, but he loved his meals yesterday; and I know he is going to love the results, as soon as his detox headache (which started this morning) gives way and he gets that boost of energy everyone talks about.

Looking forward to the challenge and learning new recipes and having FUN with my food!


  1. Woohoo!!! You have the perfect approach to this challenge, before you know it 30 days will be done and you will be astounded by the results! I really love your breakfast, think I must give that a try :)

    1. Thanks Rox, taking it day by day and I'm sure it will go by just as fast as when I did 30DS. Can't wait to be astounded :-)

  2. I'm so excited for hear how you find this challenge..
    As you know I am okay with everything but the now doing Dairy free days to get used to the idea of not eating dairy. For me its not about 30 days without.....but a life long journey hoping this way will get me there.
    Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading how your first two days went.

    1. I'm also really excited about this.. it's truly testing my strength. Good for you for doing dairy free days, it's a great start, and I bet it wouldn't be such a big shock to your body like me quitting cold turkey. I really want to adapt Paleo fully after this challenge, but still not sure about the full cream dairy; as I'm so used to fat-free... thanks for visiting my blog :-)

  3. This is a good challenge. I am sure you will succeed. You have with the previous one.

    1. Thank you, Marleen! Definitely going to try my best

  4. I really agree that we can retrain our tastebuds!
    Your meals so far sound perfect, delicious, and I love the variety. Keep it up!
    Super excited to walk this path with u.
    Gonna keep a close eye on your blog updates, and remember to let me know if you need to ask questions, need to vent, need to share!

    1. So glad you think my meals are okay! Also super stoked that you're doing it with us! Will for sure come knock on your door with any concerns or vents :-) Thanks so much! xx
