Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 8 and survived the weekend...

It was tough as nails, but we're 1 weekend down and 3 to go.  It started out well on Saturday with a tiny piece of steak, mushrooms, bacon and salad for breakfast. Then we were off for our visits with my MIL and my parents, but I prepared well and packed food and snacks for our meals and they understood that we weren't allowed any other food or cooldrinks or whatever.

Saturday evening we had chicken, sweet potato chips and salad and a relaxing evening at home and I fell asleep just after 8 on the couch while we were supposed to watch movies.  At 9 I woke up and moved to the bed, but then I couldn't fall asleep again, even though I was so tired.  Just as I started to drift away to dreamland, my little boy woke up with a congested nose, and then proceeded to have a tantrum asking for a dummy he didn't use for weeks and which I tossed away.  It lasted for well over an hour and then I struggled to sleep again as well.

By Sunday morning my energy levels was so low I don't even think it existed.  Started out with a breakfast smoothie with banana, apple, nut butter and coconut milk.  Then off to the shops to do my weekly groceries and had a yummy omelet for lunch.  Then the rest of the afternoon was tough - it was Cupcake Sunday.  Every Sunday my boy loves baking cupcakes with me, and this Sunday he insisted as well.  So the smell of chocolate cake baking almost drove me insane, but I stayed strong.  Luckily I decided to bake a Paleo friendly banana bread to satisfy my taste buds!  I thought it was yummy, but hubby thought it was a poor substitute.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, that was the start of a fight, due to me feeling a bit under-appreciated.  I'm working my bum off in the kitchen to prepare exciting foods, and packing him Reboot breakfast, lunch and two snacks every day, doing all the laundry, cleaning the house, taking care of our child, working full time.  The weekend ended with me crying almost the whole night, and that's how this week started as well.

I'm so emotional and down, I'm so tired, and I feel so heartbroken.  At least there's a silver lining - no emotional eating; and I'm staying strong.

8 Days down, 22 to go!


  1. I am on my way out to gym but had to comment quick. I know exactly how you feel with being under appreciated, and I am not trying to minimise that feeling at all, as women we do take on the bulk of the work at home and I don't know why we are never recognised for it, but please also know that you are fighting a bit of a battle within yourself right now as well and it does make you tired and emotional and a bit sensitive to everything. It will get better, you'll see! *big hugs*

    1. Thanks Rox... can't wait for the "it will get better" part to kick in. Thanks for the hugs and right back at ya!

  2. It does get so overwhelming when one is on a new diet and training program. Feels like you need to do everything at home. It's exhausting and emotional. Don't feel alone, I feel like this too sometimes. You are doing great for not eating towards the emotions you are now experiencing. Well done. That's a big step into the right direction. You have achieved so much.

    1. Thanks, Marleen! This has indeed been a couple of overwhelming days. Thanks so much for the kind words :-)

  3. Hope things are going better today Debs!
    Well done on getting thru your first weekend and thru Cupcake Sunday, very very well done!!
